Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Thanos is a Marvel character originating from The Invincible Iron Man #55 in 1973.


Thanos' history in the parks is expressly different than those of the films from which the parks are based due to characters whom he killed being retconned in parks continuity.[1]


Thanos was an alien super-villain from the world of Titan who wanted to collect the five infinity stones. In his conquests, he massacred the Zen-Whoberis and adopted a Zen-Whoberis girl named Gamora to be his abused assassin, "Daughter". Thanos also forcibly adopted an alien named Nebula whom he likewise turned into a cyborg assassin. Thanos was presumably the employer and ally of various villains across the cosmos such as Ronan the Accuser, Loki and the Chitauri.

Gamora would go rogue from Thanos' side and become a member of the anti-heroic, "Guardians of the Galaxy". At some point, Thanos became highly wanted by S.H.I.E.L.D. on Earth. He would send one of his space-ships to New York City where his forces were fought by Iron Man and Spider-Man. Thanos had some fight with the Avengers which involved Scott Lang AKA Ant-Man. Thanos may have also been involved in the destruction of the Avengers Compound.

Heroes Unite[]

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Appearances and allusions[]

Avengers Assemble: Flight Force[]

Gamora's profile mentions her as, "Thanos' adopted daughter".

Avengers: Quantum Encounter[]

Thanos is mentioned by Scott Lang who brings up people asking why he didn't kill Thanos by shrinking small, crawling inside of the Mad Titan's anus, and then turn into Giant Man.

Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT![]

Thanos is mentioned in the pre-show for this attraction as the Collector's description for Gamora states her to be the, "Daughter of Thanos". When Star-Lord mocks her for it, she expresses outrage at being equated to Thanos' daughter. A mould seemingly depicting Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet appears on a totem outside of the fortress.

Hollywood Land[]

The front-page story of The Daily Bugle covered Iron Man and Spider-Man fighting one of Thanos' ships.[2] Another covered the incident from Avengers Endgame when Thanos destroyed Avengers headquarters.[3]

Marvel: L'Alliance des Super Héros[]

Thanos is the main-antagonist of this show in Paris.

Super Hero Headquarters[]

Wanted posters for Thanos posted by SHIELD are hung on the walls of this Disney Springs outpost for SHIELD.[4]

Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure[]

In the pre-show, a can of compressed air labelled, "In a Snap" is visible with a hand resembling Thanos's gauntlet snapping its fingers on it.[5]


  • Thanos is significantly larger in the parks than he is in the films.
  • The affairs of various lackeys of Thanos from the MCU are referenced in the parks. Namely being Ronan the Accuser's attack on the planet Xandar, and Loki's attack on New York City with the Chitauri.
  • In the comics, Thanos is generally seen as being heavily influenced by the more popular DC Comics super-villain, "Darkseid", a character created by comic-book legend Jack Kirby who famously worked for Marvel before leaving to work at DC Comics.
    • Thanos' plan to brainwash Earth in Marvel Heroes Unite is very similar to Darkseid's traditional goal of using the Anti-Life Equation to control the wills of all beings on Earth and the Universe.


