Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Moon Knight AKA Marc Spector or is a Marvel superhero. He has dissociative identity disorder with his identities including Mark Spector, Steven Grant and Mister Knight.


Marc Spector is a mercenary with dissociative identity disorder splitting him between the identities of himself, museum-worker Steven Grant, and the vigilante Moon Knight whom believes himself to be avatar of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu. Moon Knight acts as a vigilante on behalf of Khonshu and also has the suited alternate personality of, "Mister Knight" who is used to work alongside authorities as a, "Concerned citizen" and detective so that the authorities who would otherwise have to arrest Moon Knight can tolerate collaboration.


Avengers Campus[]

Moon Knight and Mister Knight are both live-performed characters at the park who appear for respective distanced appearances and meet and greets for guests.


