Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Jeutar Mörat is an alien bounty-hunter who first appeared in Guardians Team-Up #4 in the April of 2014.


Jeutar Mörat was an alien bounty-hunter who worked for high paying clientele. Around Earth's 2010s, Jeutar Mörat was hired by Taneleer Tivan AKA the Collector to track a mysterious individual who made his way to the planet Terra (Earth).

Appearances and allusions[]

DL20170525 0360

Tivan's letter to Jeutar, overtop an invoice from X-S Tech

Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT![]

In the Collector's office is a letter addressed to Jeutar which is written by the Collector. Said letter reads,

"My dear Jeutar Morat,

What have you learned about the movement of this stranger I've heard about? You said he was headed for Terra- why would he go there?
If you can track him for me and discover his purpose, I will reward you more than adequately. I must find out what it is on Terra that interests him so, as it will very likely interest me."

― Taneleer Tivan[[[1]|[source]]]


  • There are theories on who Jeutar's "Stranger" was:

