Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Stephen Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme, known as Doctor Strange.



Doctor Stephen Strange was an arrogant world-renowned surgeon who lost the use of his hands in a car-accident. Desperate for a cure for his hands, he sought out the Sorcerer Supreme to cure his condition. Strange trained alongside the sorcerers and mastered the mystic arts while learning humility. During this period, Strange became keeper of the Eye of Agamotto, a mystic artifact containing one of the Infinity Stones.

After the Sorcerer Supreme died, Stephen replaced them and made his base of operations the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York City which was disguised as the, "Atlas Book Store" on Bleecker Street. Doctor Strange regularly used his magic to protect the world from mystical threats such as the cosmic entity Dormammu. Doctor Strange would also become a member of the Avengers.

Avengers Campus[]

In the November of 2016, Doctor Strange assisted Avengers member Tony Stark in opening the Super Hero Academy in an abandoned SHIELD base. The week of the the school's opening, Doctor Strange fought various paranormal threats around the Sanctum Sanctorum. When the school opened, Doctor Strange was its educator on the nature of the Multiverse. Strange also transported various students to his Sanctum Sanctorum to teach the mystic arts, on one incident leading to a confrontation with Dormammu.

In 2019, Tony Stark began developing Avengers Campus California with the assistance of Doctor Strange and his sorcerers.[1] Within the campus, Strange investigated high levels of dark magic surrounding a series of Vishanti ruins which was previously quarantined as a temporal anomaly by the Strategic Scientific Reserve. At these ruins, he saved the campus from being invaded by Dormammu through hiding an Astral Ring with the Box of Transformation, and being advised by the Soul Seeker to summon a fellow superhero to assist in creating the Spectral Staff.


Avengers Assemble: Flight Force[]

Doctor Strange is an Avengers member in Iron Man's database.

Discover the Mystic Arts[]

This show in Disney's Hollywood Studios revolved around Doctor Strange and was set on Bleecker Street.

Doctor Strange: Journey into the Mystic Arts[]

This show on the Disney Cruise Line revolves around Doctor Strange.

Doctor Strange: Mysteries of the Mystic Arts[]


An article of the Daily Bugle would mention strange lights being seen from the Sanctum Sanctorum.

Marvel Super Hero Academy[]

Doctor Strange is mentioned as teaching the mystic arts at Super Hero Academy. The Disney Fantasy version of the academy is themed around his school of mystic arts.

Shawarma Palace[]

The Sanctum Sanctorum's logo is on this food-cart as a sticker.

Starliner Diner[]

There is artwork in this diner of Wong and Doctor Strange fighting alongside one-another.


  • In the comics, Doctor Strange is not a typical member of the Avengers and is instead leader of the Defenders.
  • Long prior to the release of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), Doctor Strange's affiliate superhero America Chavez was referenced in Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure as a member of the Worldwide Engineering Brigade. This is due to Chavez's popularity before her MCU appearance, being a notable member of the Young Avengers and an openly lesbian Latina superhero.
  • Doctor Strange's enemy Googam is referenced in Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure via a container of Googam's Goo Shoo.


