Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Captain America's Shield is an item from Marvel Comics which is the iconic weapon-of-choice for Captain America.


This is a round, disc-shaped shield made of the invincible metal Vibranium which makes it lightweight, bouncy, and highly absorbent of kinetic energies. In addition to being used to ward off attacks, its users are known for throwing the shield like a frisbee, typically with enough skill that it safely bounces back to them.



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The shield is often seen in the parks in the possession of Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson. Its likeness is also frequently seen amongst superhero logos.

Avengers: Quantum Encounter[]

Sam Wilson uses the shield in this show.

Avengers Training Initiative[]

Recruits were equipped with miniature replicas of Captain America's shield which they later use to break Arnim Zola's generator.

Iron Man Experience[]

In the queue there is a small exhibit on Captain America's WW2 history with a cross-sectioned replica of his shield.

Stark Factory[]

Blueprints for the shield are framed in this restaurant.

Super Hero Headquarters[]

Steve Rogers' bio screen shows a turn-around of the shield.[1]

Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure[]

There is a sticker depicting the shield on the Gear Grabber. An image shows Peter playing with a replica of Captain America's shield.


