Marvel Theme Park Universe Wiki

Apheta is a character from Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT!.



Apheta was a Krylorian female enslaved by the Tivan Group to serve as assistant to Taneleer Tivan. At some point after 2019, their teleporting fortress travelled to the Avengers Campus in Orange, California.

Mission: BREAKOUT![]

Apheta was Collector's assistant when the Guardians of the Galaxy blacked out the electricity in his fortress and caused his collection to run rampant. This resulted in Apheta needing to survive the many monsters hunting her and the Tivan Group, while also sending messages to guests of the campus to save-face.


Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: BREAKOUT![]

Apheta appears in the pre-show, introducing the Collector and can be heard in the Gantry lifts speaking to guests. Near the exit, her photo appears on the assistant of the month board.

Guardians of the Galaxy – Monsters After Dark[]

Apheta prominently appears in the pre-show video, trying the survive the blacked out fortress.


  • Carina resembles the Collector's late former assistant Carina from the films.


